
Windows 2000:5.0.1773.1

来自BetaWorld 百科
跳转到导航 跳转到搜索
Windows 2000 5.0.1773.1
内核版本 5.0
架构 x86 (PC, PC98)
版本 Server, Workstation
语言 English (United States), Japanese (Japan)
编译日期 1998/3/18
版本字串 5.0.1773.1

该版英语Workstation SKU版于2014年1月5日泄露,Server SKU版于2019年1月19日泄露。2020年7月4日,Internet Archive用户anonimas补充上传了日语Workstation SKU版。


  • 引入屏幕键盘。
  • 引入证书管理器。
  • 引入查看网络连接状态的对话框。
  • 引入以Web为基础的企业管理控制。
  • 新的“登录”对话框。
  • 资源管理器集成搜索功能、缩略图视图和文件打开/另存为通用对话框。
  • 任务栏最右侧再次出现显示桌面按钮,并且有小箭头。
  • 改进创建新设备向导。
  • 更改了任务栏属性和显示设置。
  • 一些图案被更新的样式取代。
  • 安装程序有进一步更改,几乎所有的内容都是Windows Installer的风格。
  • 注销被归纳到关机对话框。
  • 关闭PC后,您会收到一个“蓝屏”关机(BSOS)。
  • 正式引入安全模式 (Safe Mode)。
  • Internet Explorer及附件
  1. Internet Express (4.00.5305.0)。
  2. Outlook Express (5.00.0305.0)。
  3. Microsoft Wallet (。
  4. Microsoft Agent (。
  5. Microsoft Agent包括两个动画角色(默林和灯神)。
  6. Outlook Express的界面回归旧版布局。



copy C:\WINNT\System32\Drivers\null.sys C:\WINNT\System32\Drivers\fdc.sys




  • Server


	      ▄█▄                          ▄▀▒▓▌
	     ▐██▄▀▀▄              ▄      ▄▀ ░▒▓
	     ██████▄▀▄          ▄▀▓▌   ▄▀   ░▓▌ ▄▄
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	   ▄█████████▌█     ▄▀  ░▓▌     █ ░▒▓▌ █ █████▀▀▄▄   ■
	    ▀▀█████████▌  ▄▀   ░▒▓      ▐▌░▒▓  ▐▌▐██▀  ▄  ▀▄▀
	       ▀████████   █  ░▒▓▌      █░▒▓▌   ▀▄██▌   ▀▄
	  ▌     ▐██████▌   ▐▌░▒▓▀  ▄▀  ▐░▒▓▀    ▄ ▀█▀     █▄
	  ▐▌ ▐   ██████    █░▒▒▀ ▄▀ ▀ ▄▀▄▀     ▐▓░▄   ▄▄  ▐▀▄
 ────────── ▓▄▀▌ ▐█████▌───▐░▒▒ ▄▀   ▄█▀▀ ───── ▓▒░▐▌ ▀   ─ █▓█ ───-───-─· ·
	   ▐▓ ▀▄█████▀    █▄▀     ▄▀    ▀▄    ▐▓▒  █      ▐▌▒▓▌
	    ▄▓▓████▀     ▐▀      ■            ▓▒░  ▐▌    ▄▀ ░▒▓
	  ▄▓▓██▀▀ ▄▄    ▄▀      .            ▐▓▒░   ▀▄    ▀▄ ░▓▌
	 ▐▓▓▀ ▄▓    ▀▀▄▄▄                    ▓▒░     ▄▀     ▀▄▒▓
	 ▓▒▌  ▐▓▒        ▀▀▀▄               ▐▓▒░░  ▄▀         ▀
	 ▐▓▄   █▓▒       ░▄▀                ▀▓▓▒▒░▀
	  ▀▓▀  ▐▓▒░    ░▄▀                    ▀▓▀     ..R.Noble 
		█▓▒▒▒▀     ... Pirates With Attitudes
	      ▄▓▓▀           Proudly Presents ...
║ [ Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 Server Build 1773 ]             March 20, 1998 ║
║ Supplier .....: Murmillius           │ Type .....:                        ║
║ Cracker ......: N/A                  │ Video ....:                        ║
║ Packager .....: Murmillius           │ Audio ....:                        ║
║ Protection ...: N/A                  │ # Disks ..: 24                     ║
  			            -/ This is PWA \-
                                   < 23 February 1998 >

	Well its taken them a while, but here's the Beta 1 refresh
	prior to Beta 2's release down the road.

	Use WINZIP (long filenames) to extract all the zip's into one
	directory, then run the .EXE file to extract all the CABs.

┌──────────────────┬─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Council .........│ Code3, Dark Lord, Dream Weaver, Murmillius, Rambone,
│                  │ Shiffie
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Members ..│ Gumby, Mercy, Oyl Patch, Stoned, The Technic 
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Members .........│ Acidman, Aironz, Akasha, Angelface, BadBrad, Bunter,
│                  │ Chowdery, Codebreaker, Corv8, Disc Killer, Disk Killer,
│                  │ DJpaul, EzD, Guip, Ico, Ice, Ivan, The Judge, Kewe, 
│                  │ Lost Soul, Magellan, Marduk, Muadib, Nagumo, neTyx, Ofd,  
│                  │ Patriarch, Prozac, Ryu, Shadowman, SilverB, Skylark,  
│                  │ Single Minded, SpyNut, Sugar, The Jerk, Vampyre,  
│                  │ Virtual Power, Voltan, Warlock
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Couriers .│ Bass, Diamond Dog, Gizmo, Mario Lemieux, Skitch
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Couriers ........│ Bandito, Darkforce, Jono, Kang6902, Mindreader,
│                  │ Psyber, Satan, Scuzi, Trix, Vorteqz
└──────────────────┴─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
			      PWA Boards/Sites

│ FTP Site Names       │ Status ···················· │ SiteOP ············· │
│ Sentinel ··········  │ Inet World HQ ············· │ Gxxx/Mxxxxxxx ······ │
│ Boners Domain ·····  │ Inet U.S. HQ ·············· │ Rxxxxxx ············ │
│ Reflection ········  │ Inet Euro HQ ·············· │ Sxxxxxx ············ │
│ Vampyres Lair ·····  │ Inet World Courier HQ ····· │ Vxxxxxx············· │
│ Digital Corruption   │ Inet EURO Courier HQ ······ │ Ixx ················ │
│ The Rock ··········  │ Inet Release US HQ ········ │ Dxxxxxx ············ │
│ Manhattan Project ·  │ Inet Member HQ ············ │ Rxx ················ │
│ United Central ····  │ Inet Member Board ········· │ Dxxx ··············· │
	     If you are going to do it ... Do it with an ATTITUDE!

                PWA..... a juggernaut that rolls on thru 1998

  *  Please note that PWA is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. We're *
  *  in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *

  *  PWA also does not accept new BBS', FTP sites, net couriers, graphics  *
  *  artists or programmers (including PPE's... PCB, may it rest in peace) *

┌───────────────────────────────┤ Final Note ├─────────────────────────────┐
│ Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a  │
│ Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's  │
│ effort to keep up the high standards.. They made it, so they DESERVE it! │
  • Workstatiom


	      ▄█▄                          ▄▀▒▓▌
	     ▐██▄▀▀▄              ▄      ▄▀ ░▒▓
	     ██████▄▀▄          ▄▀▓▌   ▄▀   ░▓▌ ▄▄
	    ▐███████▌▐▌       ▄▀ ▒▓    ▐▌  ░▒▓ ▐▌▐██▄▄        .
	   ▄█████████▌█     ▄▀  ░▓▌     █ ░▒▓▌ █ █████▀▀▄▄   ■
	    ▀▀█████████▌  ▄▀   ░▒▓      ▐▌░▒▓  ▐▌▐██▀  ▄  ▀▄▀
	       ▀████████   █  ░▒▓▌      █░▒▓▌   ▀▄██▌   ▀▄
	  ▌     ▐██████▌   ▐▌░▒▓▀  ▄▀  ▐░▒▓▀    ▄ ▀█▀     █▄
	  ▐▌ ▐   ██████    █░▒▒▀ ▄▀ ▀ ▄▀▄▀     ▐▓░▄   ▄▄  ▐▀▄
 ────────── ▓▄▀▌ ▐█████▌───▐░▒▒ ▄▀   ▄█▀▀ ───── ▓▒░▐▌ ▀   ─ █▓█ ───-───-─· ·
	   ▐▓ ▀▄█████▀    █▄▀     ▄▀    ▀▄    ▐▓▒  █      ▐▌▒▓▌
	    ▄▓▓████▀     ▐▀      ■            ▓▒░  ▐▌    ▄▀ ░▒▓
	  ▄▓▓██▀▀ ▄▄    ▄▀      .            ▐▓▒░   ▀▄    ▀▄ ░▓▌
	 ▐▓▓▀ ▄▓    ▀▀▄▄▄                    ▓▒░     ▄▀     ▀▄▒▓
	 ▓▒▌  ▐▓▒        ▀▀▀▄               ▐▓▒░░  ▄▀         ▀
	 ▐▓▄   █▓▒       ░▄▀                ▀▓▓▒▒░▀
	  ▀▓▀  ▐▓▒░    ░▄▀                    ▀▓▀     ..R.Noble 
		█▓▒▒▒▀     ... Pirates With Attitudes
	      ▄▓▓▀           Proudly Presents ...
║ [ Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 Workstation Build 1773 ]        March 20, 1998 ║
║ Supplier .....: Murmillius           │ Type .....:                        ║
║ Cracker ......: N/A                  │ Video ....:                        ║
║ Packager .....: Murmillius           │ Audio ....:                        ║
║ Protection ...: N/A                  │ # Disks ..: 22                     ║
  			            -/ This is PWA \-
                                   < 23 February 1998 >

	Well its taken them a while, but here's the Beta 1 refresh
	prior to Beta 2's release down the road.

	Use WINZIP (long filenames) to extract all the zip's into one
	directory, then run the .EXE file to extract all the CABs.

	By the way if ANYONE here has the retail CD for O'Reilly Website
	2.0 (not the friggin 30 day eval), please msg Shiffie on efnet.  
	We need it bad!

┌──────────────────┬─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Council .........│ Code3, Dark Lord, Dream Weaver, Murmillius, Rambone,
│                  │ Shiffie
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Members ..│ Gumby, Mercy, Oyl Patch, Stoned, The Technic 
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Members .........│ Acidman, Aironz, Akasha, Angelface, BadBrad, Bunter,
│                  │ Chowdery, Codebreaker, Corv8, Disc Killer, Disk Killer,
│                  │ DJpaul, EzD, Guip, Ico, Ice, Ivan, The Judge, Kewe, 
│                  │ Lost Soul, Magellan, Marduk, Muadib, Nagumo, neTyx, Ofd,  
│                  │ Patriarch, Prozac, Ryu, Shadowman, SilverB, Skylark,  
│                  │ Single Minded, SpyNut, Sugar, The Jerk, Vampyre,  
│                  │ Virtual Power, Voltan, Warlock
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Couriers .│ Bass, Diamond Dog, Gizmo, Mario Lemieux, Skitch
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Couriers ........│ Bandito, Darkforce, Jono, Kang6902, Mindreader,
│                  │ Psyber, Satan, Scuzi, Trix, Vorteqz
└──────────────────┴─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
			      PWA Boards/Sites

│ FTP Site Names       │ Status ···················· │ SiteOP ············· │
│ Sentinel ··········  │ Inet World HQ ············· │ Gxxx/Mxxxxxxx ······ │
│ Boners Domain ·····  │ Inet U.S. HQ ·············· │ Rxxxxxx ············ │
│ Reflection ········  │ Inet Euro HQ ·············· │ Sxxxxxx ············ │
│ Vampyres Lair ·····  │ Inet World Courier HQ ····· │ Vxxxxxx············· │
│ Digital Corruption   │ Inet EURO Courier HQ ······ │ Ixx ················ │
│ The Rock ··········  │ Inet Release US HQ ········ │ Dxxxxxx ············ │
│ Manhattan Project ·  │ Inet Member HQ ············ │ Rxx ················ │
│ United Central ····  │ Inet Member Board ········· │ Dxxx ··············· │
	     If you are going to do it ... Do it with an ATTITUDE!

                PWA..... a juggernaut that rolls on thru 1998

  *  Please note that PWA is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. We're *
  *  in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *

  *  PWA also does not accept new BBS', FTP sites, net couriers, graphics  *
  *  artists or programmers (including PPE's... PCB, may it rest in peace) *

┌───────────────────────────────┤ Final Note ├─────────────────────────────┐
│ Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a  │
│ Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's  │
│ effort to keep up the high standards.. They made it, so they DESERVE it! │